Citat om New York

Foto: Vitelone.

Alla vi som älskar New York, vet att orden inte räcker till. Orden som ska fånga våra känslor för staden. Orden som ska fånga det som egentligen inte kan fångas: kärleken, svärtan, mångfalden, det unika, det lilla konkreta och det svindlande ogripbara.

Här kommer några kloka ord om staden i våra hjärtan. För mig fångar det första citatet just kärnan i min kärlek till New York:

”One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years.”
Thomas Wolfe

Foto: Ben Fredericson.

”New York is a diamond iceberg floating in river water.”
~ Truman Capote

”It’s ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story.”
Agatha Christie

Foto: Derekskey.

”New York walking isn’t exercise: it’s continually showing make-your-own-movie.”
~ Roy Blount Jr

”New York is a place where the rich walk, the poor drive Cadillacs, and the beggars die of malnutrition with thousands of dollars hidden in their mattresses.”
Duke Ellington

Foto: Andree Kröger.

”Guys like you can’t escape the city. Hell, you got a blood contract with this place. You’re married to the old girl.”
~ Mickey Spillane, Kiss Her Goodbye: An Otto Penzler Book

”New York is to the nation what the white church spire is to the village – the visible symbol of aspiration and faith, the white plume saying the way is up.”
~ E.B. White

Foto: Drew Spencer.

”Probably everything in my life comes back to a feeling of abandonment, and this city never abondons you.”
~ Ann Douglas

”There is more sophistication and less sense in New York than anywhere else on the globe.”
Elbert Hubbard


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